Saturday, December 3, 2011

Awesome thoughts

Five awesome things, I learned from people who changed the way I think, for good!

1. You do not have to keep fretting about all the people who walked out of your life. If they have walked out,  it just means they never were meant to be part of your life. It is okay take a part of blame but not make your life miserable by repeatedly thinking of it. I love this quote from one of my favourite movies My big fat Greek wedding (It is  a lovely movie, I should say)

 Do not let your past dictate who you are, let it be a part of who you will become
2. Live for the moment (I know everyone say that). But try doing the following- 
-Choose a day
- Whenever you are thinking about your future, note it down. Oh don't worry, note it down even in your mobile.
- At the end of the day, check how many times did you think about the uncertain future and the number of times you were worried thinking about it. So you see...(if you have not, hats off!!!)

There is a proverb in tamil which loosely translates "Only in the sun, do you know the worth of shade"
I do it most of the times. Only when something ends, do I realise the worth of it.

Instead say thanks to people who made your day. Some one should have made you laugh, made you feel good, re-assured you, when you badly needed it. You may actually feel very good about the kindness they showed, but instead say to them what you feel. Huh?! Oh yeah! we really do not say what we feel most of the time, do we?

3. Just because your life is not taking directions as you instructed it does not mean its unfair to you. Your directions could be one way or worse no-entry. Imagine! Sooner or later, you will know whatever happens, happen for good and once you start believing it, your life is a song (yeah, the secret effect!) I am reminded of a speech by Mylswami Annadurai (who made the Chandrayaan possible) what is chandrayaan?, oh! forget it and move on.   Its again in Tamil, wow! for someone who cannot even write properly in Tamil this is good! So he says Success is not only achieving things you aim for, you are successful if you manage to stay happy with all you have. What a thought!

4. It is never about the other person. Yes, if you are not feeling good, you alone are responsible for it. No matter what your best friend, parents or anyone else says is going to matter. Again, if you think you are not feeling good because of action/denial/ behaviour of another person or  an event, sorry again you are responsible for it. How on earth  is that possible? Oh yeah ! it is. If you are going to feel bitter, take revenge or be doomed, its again your life you have decided to spoil. Like Jesus Christ says"Ask and you shall be given". You shower love, care and affection, sooner or later, will be given and may be more.
5. Read, read and read. One of my friend, inspired me to start reading. We are not even in touch now, but whenever i finish reading a book, I say thanks to her.
 When you give a person a book, you give them a possibility of a whole new life
And I can t agree more! Reading gives you a chance to get into an unknown world and make you realise some beautiful things without even experiencing it. 

And I sign off with this wonderful dialogue from Harry Potter books series
It is our choices that show who we are far more than our abilities
P.S: Thank you, to all those who made me realize these wonderful things to live by. 

Picture Source:crabbycox

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Why does it for a time feel this is it,
only to learn it was never meant to be
Why does a decision feel all flawless,
only to repent it in next to no time
Why does someone seem off beam,
only to find the hidden gem before long
Why does a place make you feel awful,
only rather to miss it when gone
Why does a person be despised utterly,
only to become your solitary interest
Why does a friend make you feel good,
only later to see through the unspoken
Why does a day feel ominous outside,
 only to be awaken it was all within
Why some questions are never answered,
only to find they were never questioned