Thursday, November 3, 2011


In a crowd I wish to be left alone,
When I am all alone I crave for someone by my side.

When I reach the spot light afterstruggle,
I wish I had stayed in the shadow forever.

On a bright day, I hope for some showers,
When it rains I wish to soak in the sun.

Before it starts, I pray for it toend,
When the end draws, I long for more.

I think its better to remain silent,
When I do, I wish I had expressed better.

I decide to reach out but pull my hand quickly,
but sooner wish I had not acted on my instinct

When I am care-free I wish to take things seriously,
When I am bothered, well I say take it easy.

Thoughts contradicting action is possible, but thoughts challenging thoughts?! I believe is possible and more so indispensable to GO ON...

After all didn't some one say-"life is full of contradictions"! and that's what makes life interesting too.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


When I fret over the fact that I am mostly hated,

U made me realize am not that ill-fated,
So I am assured am lucky to have you by my side.
I do not remember much of our childhood time,
But whether it was us being the partners in crime,
Or pitted against each other, at the end of the nothing really matters,
So I was assured am lucky to have you by my side.

When rest of them were interested in who were the best of the two,
We still wanted the best for each other in whatever we do,
So I was assured am lucky to have you by side.

My life has had its share of the best memories
And there are times I have thought my life is doomed
And If were to share it all with u, I know you will stand by me
So I was assured am lucky to have you by my side

You are supposed to talk nineteen to the dozen,
Yet I know there are things in your heart that are frozen,
No one is perfect but your perfections masks the imperfection
So I was assured am lucky to have you by my side.

Days may turn into nights,
You will scale heights,
Assure me you will still be my side!