Saturday, December 31, 2011

A toast !

Here is to the year that’s all most going to past its expiration date-2011!
As always another year of astounding, distressing and treasured moments
Gifted with happiness, adventure, peace for a greater part of the year
Whether your beam balance shifted more towards the left or right side
The memories and experiences are nothing but a blessing in disguise!

To the New Year, who will give us a devoted company for another 365 days,
Let the year be wrapped with tonnes of love, harmony, compassion and hope
While indulging in all the treasures we own and are blessed to have or had 
Take time to be grateful for all those in our life and appreciate the second we live in
Be blessed throughout the year and a blessing any where and everywhere you go.

Happy New year!!!

Monday, December 26, 2011

I want to

I want to
look at the sun rising without having
any other contemplation waiting in the back.
read a piece of news without having
to regret about reading it in the first place.

I want to
relish my food in every bite without
gasping at the calories that went in.
sleep through the night peacefully without
having to anticipate the proceeding day.

I want to
express about all that I always wanted without
having to think about the unforeseen criticism.
to rant rightfully about everything that annoys me
without having to always wear the serene costume

I want to
laugh at all the silly possible things without
having to deliberate if it is troublesome.
speak out my earnest thoughts without
having to hurt or criticize the other soul

I want to
love with all that is possible I have, without
having to expect the same from the treasured.
 breathe every second to the fullest, without
having to regret the past or foresee the future.

Friday, December 16, 2011

A sort of epiphany!

Pic clicked by me at Yercaud :)

Not so long ago released from your conquer,

I rejoiced each second of my liberation,

But here you are to annihilate the positivity,

Upholding the secret to erase my beliefs

I am struggling hard to get over you,

Rummaging into my random thoughts,

Imagining all that is so much appalling,

Which will slice deeper into my feeble heart

I plead not for you to give me my freedom,

Nor demand what rightfully belongs to me,

For I know to conquer my own deepest fear,

Will return you forever to where you belong

With this conviction searching deep roots,

And my mind and heart for once together,

With hope radiating I decide to end this verse,

And  a smile wishing you will  finally give in

Monday, December 12, 2011

To Let Go- The right and The wrong

The three most difficult words in my dictionary To Let Go, whether it is an  event or a prized possession or more difficult a person. I find it extremely difficult to even to think about letting go. I have heard countless suggestions and saying about the reason you would need to let go and why it could be the best for you but indeed its a heart-wrenching process especially if it is a person.

How many times have I done it in the past? Oh yeah! many a times but why does it feel extremely difficult like its your first time whenever you have to move on in life or leave someone for good (what is good? They say, you will eventually find out.  If I live o see it, may be!), trying hard not to think about what possibly went wrong when you put your heart and soul for it to be cordial.

And to think about it again and again makes me feel miserable, awkward and helpless.Oh no, I am not wanting this to a self-pity party! How could I pity myself when in the first place if I decided not get into the slump, the world would have still looked beautiful. I am not going to blame the person involved, which could be the best way to do. Right-the blame game is not around the corner too! Or I guess I am past all those easy evasive ways.

So what's is my worry? Here it is. I keep wondering.. and wondering and wondering What must have gone wrong or unnoticed? When you give your best and leave the rest, and the rest  does not do any justice the best you gave. What happens? That is how I feel now. I know life is not Google to give you some billion possibilities or answers in some nano seconds. So Life says, here is the deal. You move on and I ll try to tell you what might have went wrong. Oh of course, sickening  way to help you , I say!

OK another possibility. I decide to let go some one who meant so much to me and have meticulously tried all possibilities to forget the sourness and get away or live with it. Here comes the next step of difficulties. The next time you think not twice but thrice but umpteen number of times before you decide to get close with someone.There again you are going to hurt someone by not letting them in. So it haunts you wherever you go, my personal ghost!

Sometimes life seems to be such a clutter. Think again, it is mostly the clutter put by you to analyse it later but never looked back. They seem to pile up and become toxic. I know there is always a choice, I am weighing the possible choices but the choice to get back the person still could be the best ,may be not the easy one.

Well, it seems to be one of those times, for now!!!

Image courtesy-tickled by life.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Optimistic Celebration!!!

 Most people would say I am too young to write about this topic. Nevertheless, this is my forum right? So here it goes...

 I have always wondered how is it possible to leave all you have, once for all and walk out with somebody to stay there, most probably for the rest of your life. I wouldn't be exaggerating if I say, it actually scares the hell out of me to even think about it. It takes a great commitment not only with another person but yourself to compromise, adjust and live in a new world, however hard you have prepared for the unknown. Moreover, if you are one of those who had a nicely visible line called personal space drawn all this while, you an understand the further difficulties.

I am always in a confused state whenever I think about this future aspect of my life. The pessimist I am, at least in this case, it does give me some hope when I see people who have made through their thick and thins for about 25 years. sigh! and its a plus when you have seen them all through your life. So cheers to them! Let me dwell on this hope for sometime before more serious questions and uncertainties cross my mind again.

Oh and below is the cake (my ridiculous cooking skills, of course) made for a couple without whom I wouldn't have even existed, literally! Cheers to them.


To think about it, nothing comes in a perfect package! Compromise, love, commitment, selflessness, contentment, patience, trust are those that wraps the package into a nice present. Indeed, sometimes they seem to the essence of happiness. What say?

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Awesome thoughts

Five awesome things, I learned from people who changed the way I think, for good!

1. You do not have to keep fretting about all the people who walked out of your life. If they have walked out,  it just means they never were meant to be part of your life. It is okay take a part of blame but not make your life miserable by repeatedly thinking of it. I love this quote from one of my favourite movies My big fat Greek wedding (It is  a lovely movie, I should say)

 Do not let your past dictate who you are, let it be a part of who you will become
2. Live for the moment (I know everyone say that). But try doing the following- 
-Choose a day
- Whenever you are thinking about your future, note it down. Oh don't worry, note it down even in your mobile.
- At the end of the day, check how many times did you think about the uncertain future and the number of times you were worried thinking about it. So you see...(if you have not, hats off!!!)

There is a proverb in tamil which loosely translates "Only in the sun, do you know the worth of shade"
I do it most of the times. Only when something ends, do I realise the worth of it.

Instead say thanks to people who made your day. Some one should have made you laugh, made you feel good, re-assured you, when you badly needed it. You may actually feel very good about the kindness they showed, but instead say to them what you feel. Huh?! Oh yeah! we really do not say what we feel most of the time, do we?

3. Just because your life is not taking directions as you instructed it does not mean its unfair to you. Your directions could be one way or worse no-entry. Imagine! Sooner or later, you will know whatever happens, happen for good and once you start believing it, your life is a song (yeah, the secret effect!) I am reminded of a speech by Mylswami Annadurai (who made the Chandrayaan possible) what is chandrayaan?, oh! forget it and move on.   Its again in Tamil, wow! for someone who cannot even write properly in Tamil this is good! So he says Success is not only achieving things you aim for, you are successful if you manage to stay happy with all you have. What a thought!

4. It is never about the other person. Yes, if you are not feeling good, you alone are responsible for it. No matter what your best friend, parents or anyone else says is going to matter. Again, if you think you are not feeling good because of action/denial/ behaviour of another person or  an event, sorry again you are responsible for it. How on earth  is that possible? Oh yeah ! it is. If you are going to feel bitter, take revenge or be doomed, its again your life you have decided to spoil. Like Jesus Christ says"Ask and you shall be given". You shower love, care and affection, sooner or later, will be given and may be more.
5. Read, read and read. One of my friend, inspired me to start reading. We are not even in touch now, but whenever i finish reading a book, I say thanks to her.
 When you give a person a book, you give them a possibility of a whole new life
And I can t agree more! Reading gives you a chance to get into an unknown world and make you realise some beautiful things without even experiencing it. 

And I sign off with this wonderful dialogue from Harry Potter books series
It is our choices that show who we are far more than our abilities
P.S: Thank you, to all those who made me realize these wonderful things to live by. 

Picture Source:crabbycox

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Why does it for a time feel this is it,
only to learn it was never meant to be
Why does a decision feel all flawless,
only to repent it in next to no time
Why does someone seem off beam,
only to find the hidden gem before long
Why does a place make you feel awful,
only rather to miss it when gone
Why does a person be despised utterly,
only to become your solitary interest
Why does a friend make you feel good,
only later to see through the unspoken
Why does a day feel ominous outside,
 only to be awaken it was all within
Why some questions are never answered,
only to find they were never questioned

Friday, November 25, 2011


Today was a day of surprises. Reason one- I decided to clean my book shelf (which happens once in  a blue moon) and successfully managed (and this one is rarer than a blue moon) to complete the task.Reason two- While tidying up, I was amazed to discover my diary dated back to 2003. Curiosity got the better of me and I decided to read through it.

A Page in my diary (Year 2003)

Of course most of it contained articles and photos  on CRICKET. What else should have I expected  from a cricket maniac back then and that too with  the year being host to my most cherished Cricket world cup. The 2011 WC might have pushed the 2003 WC a step backward for obvious reasons, yet 2003 is still close to my heart.

Well coming back, the reason I decided to write a post something I have tried to put off all this while is:

The sound of rain on my window pane,
Sight of the wind whipping like a cane,
Swinging of the trees along the lane,
Insist me to forget the pain.

The brown eyed angel in my den,
The rhymes we danced with the hen,
The days we had fun till ten,
Brings back a smile right then.

A scoop of my favourite ice-cream,
About which I always dream,
The sight of which makes me scream,
Always makes my face beam.

Arm in arm with you on a road,
Both of us singing like a toad,
Wishing to be heard aloud,
Aiming for nothing but the cloud.

Yeah spot on! This was a poem (well, at least that's what i had meant to write ) written by me way back in 2003. I did not have to finish reading it to start giggling. I do not remember the circumstance that made me pen this down or who precisely was the "angel" or what was my "pain" or who was that "you", though I am certain my favourite ice-cream was and is CHOCOLATE. Nevertheless, this made my day.

Childhood  is the best season offered to us and life indeed is about these little pleasures.

Laugh with all you have.


Paper, Ink, Glue and more...

A companion to sail down a long journey,
A Compassionate to pour your heart into,
A pacifier to tranquil your mind and soul,
A persuader to lead you to the undiscovered,
A humorist to tickle your funny bone,
A therapist to untangle the stumbling blocks,
A melodramatic to earn all your sympathy,
A performer to let your eyes take the pleasure in,
A galvanizer to walk you through the unfamiliar,
A scholar to reason out all your vision,
A possession to ensure a new chapter,
A treasure to pass on, a book to hold on

Sunday, November 13, 2011


To let the first drop of rain fall on your face,

To chase a butterfly round a vivid garden in vain,

To allow the cool wind to blow on your skin,

To watch the starlit night and wink at the beautiful moon,

To let your gentle feet hinder the flow of cold stream beneath,

To go as the feet takes you and discover yet another splendour,

To look at the sun set and the vibrant portrait it paints on its way,

To walk along the sea shore careful not to allow the waves to caress your feet,

To stroll deep into the woods and let its mesmerising harmony overwhelm you,

To stare at a flower and recognize the patterns and designs that make them alluring,

To look beyond and find billion reasons to hold on, when everything around you is crumbling.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Hope-To Cope

However gloomy the starless sky may seem,
There is always a chance for moon to beam.
However rugged is the path that waits,
You will find a smooth trail leading to gates.
However rough the sea may rise,
Beyond it may lay a glorious paradise.
However murky the pond may loom,
Life beneath it can forever bloom.
However arid the land has become,
There may be a shower to welcome.
However dark is the world around,
A ray of sunshine can yet hit the ground.
Things do not forever take the familiar road,
But they are  always bundled with Hope aboard.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


In a crowd I wish to be left alone,
When I am all alone I crave for someone by my side.

When I reach the spot light afterstruggle,
I wish I had stayed in the shadow forever.

On a bright day, I hope for some showers,
When it rains I wish to soak in the sun.

Before it starts, I pray for it toend,
When the end draws, I long for more.

I think its better to remain silent,
When I do, I wish I had expressed better.

I decide to reach out but pull my hand quickly,
but sooner wish I had not acted on my instinct

When I am care-free I wish to take things seriously,
When I am bothered, well I say take it easy.

Thoughts contradicting action is possible, but thoughts challenging thoughts?! I believe is possible and more so indispensable to GO ON...

After all didn't some one say-"life is full of contradictions"! and that's what makes life interesting too.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


When I fret over the fact that I am mostly hated,

U made me realize am not that ill-fated,
So I am assured am lucky to have you by my side.
I do not remember much of our childhood time,
But whether it was us being the partners in crime,
Or pitted against each other, at the end of the nothing really matters,
So I was assured am lucky to have you by my side.

When rest of them were interested in who were the best of the two,
We still wanted the best for each other in whatever we do,
So I was assured am lucky to have you by side.

My life has had its share of the best memories
And there are times I have thought my life is doomed
And If were to share it all with u, I know you will stand by me
So I was assured am lucky to have you by my side

You are supposed to talk nineteen to the dozen,
Yet I know there are things in your heart that are frozen,
No one is perfect but your perfections masks the imperfection
So I was assured am lucky to have you by my side.

Days may turn into nights,
You will scale heights,
Assure me you will still be my side!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

In memory!

You said my smile is beautiful,
I found your soul beautiful.
We met by chance, became friends by choice
You have changed me in ways you never meant to.
I read because of you and still read because of you,
You thought way ahead of me but always taught me too.
I have spent some beautiful times with you,
I still wonder if you would even remember them.
You told you would be happy to be in touch with me,
But I guess like time changes so do people.
When we parted, I never thought we will lose touch
Perhaps we never had the bonding whatsoever
We may not speak again
But I want to let you know
You were someone I would never regret meeting
my heart will always love you even if my mind says otherwise
and thinking of you always bring tears to my eyes!