Thursday, November 3, 2011


In a crowd I wish to be left alone,
When I am all alone I crave for someone by my side.

When I reach the spot light afterstruggle,
I wish I had stayed in the shadow forever.

On a bright day, I hope for some showers,
When it rains I wish to soak in the sun.

Before it starts, I pray for it toend,
When the end draws, I long for more.

I think its better to remain silent,
When I do, I wish I had expressed better.

I decide to reach out but pull my hand quickly,
but sooner wish I had not acted on my instinct

When I am care-free I wish to take things seriously,
When I am bothered, well I say take it easy.

Thoughts contradicting action is possible, but thoughts challenging thoughts?! I believe is possible and more so indispensable to GO ON...

After all didn't some one say-"life is full of contradictions"! and that's what makes life interesting too.


  1. Awesome-0-
    Black and white phases of life are always more appealing than grey shades :)

  2. thanks NF!
    Black-the wrong or white-the right is any day better than grey-the evil.
