Saturday, March 17, 2012

An interesting meme

This is interesting. I have read a lot of memes in a bunch of blogs and even wondered if I will be able to be answer them as candidly as they have. And now Nasmira (probably the only regular visitor of my blog) has tagged me in such a meme.

So here it goes

1. Summer or winter?

Summer! I like the sun, warmth and bright colours. I guess practically living all my life in a city which experiences summer a good part of the year makes me feel so plus I don't mind the tan and humidity but I hate cold and flaky stuff.

2. The latest book you read?

The one I finished reading- Tea for two and a piece of cake by Preeti Shenoy.
and the one I have been reading for ages and still do not have the heart and brains to complete it- The Argumentative Indian by Amartya Sen.

3.If you could swap your country/nationality for any other, which one would it be?
Wooh! tough one. I always wanted go around the world and live in a few countries like Australia, New Zealand and London but swapping my nationality? Sorry, no way! I love being Indian beyond everything and also I am so content in this country that I cant think of me being a resident of any other country. Being Indian suits me perfect.

4.One random fact about yourself
I have never broken a bone. Seriously, not once all these 24 years. So either I am too conscious or too lucky or not so much fun as my cousin once pointed out.

5.  What would you have named yourself if you were given the chance to?
Sidhanthika, I love this name. The best thing about this name is I created it. Truly, I did. But when I was in school I wished my name started with A! Who would like to be the last person to be called for everything? Sometimes I was even clubbed with the next section for projects. Other than that Subashini does sound cool and I love the meaning of my name too.

6. When was the last time you wrote a hand written letter?
A couple of weeks ago to "myself". Yes, I thought there is so much happening at present in my life that my future self should know the emotions and thoughts and most importantly never forget the humble lessons I have learnt. So I wrote a letter "to me, by me" to be read after 10 years, if I survive. Crazy? A little bit may be.

7. If you could rewrite ONE historic event..what would it be?
I like the way the it is. Who am I to meddle with time? I believe "whatever happens, happens for good". Also if I change a single event, it would change everything that has happened, isn't it like a chain reaction?

8. When was the last time you hugged a child, looked into those innocent eyes and told you love him/her?
A couple of days back I hugged my 2 year old nephew. Now, I am not good(rather I suck at it) at letting someone know how much I care about them. That is a bit I am working on :)

9. When was the last time a stranger smiled at u because of your kind word/deed to him/her ?
Last week! I was been frisked for security reason in a temple and offered the security personnel water because she looked like she was about to fall anytime. She gave an astounding smile which she seemed to have forgotten while doing the routine. That was a genuine smile.

10. What’s your favorite color :D
I love lavender.
Clothes- black
Sky- sunset colour
Pen- blue
Eyes- honey
Oh, you can add purple too :)

11.  What got you into blogging?
Love for words may be. I wanted to express myself on some platform with/without audience. Blogging seemed to be best choice. Also it kind of liberates me. Now, that is something most of the bloggers will agree to!

Oh my, I have managed to answer all 11?! Wow. Thanks NF, I really enjoyed doing this post.


  1. really enjoyed reading each one of them boo..
    thank u soooo much for taking your time out for this!! :) :)
